Dr Mikołaj Amadeusz Harmoza
Independent artist, painter, performer.
Lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk since 2001, author of hundreds of oil paintings, comic strips, painting objects, murals, social art projects, artistic interventions in open urban space and inside buildings. Currently, he is developing his own painting technique, which allows him to create painting objects of unique paint and matter, as well as realising his own artistic projects:
- Przestrzeń artysty (The Artist’s Space) – showing the specificity of the artist’s studio, its character and dynamics in accordance with the artist’s actions
- Spojrzenia (The Look) – an innovative multisocial project of artistic interventions in various environments, social groups, situations and spaces.
Previous projects of a similar nature are described in the ‘past projects’ tab. A selection of paintings and related merchandise can be purchased in the Harmoza Art online shop.